Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Health provision for the poor: Islamic aid and the rise of charitable clinics in Indonesia

Author(s): Hilman Latief

Abstract: By exploring Islamic charitable clinics in Indonesia, this paper shows how community-based initiatives and zakat [Islamic charitable obligation] agencies have provided wider access to viable health services for destitute families in poor urban and rural areas. Zakat agencies, with their charitable clinics, have recently gained strong support from both society and the government. They have, for example, tried to bring a community response to the current social economic challenges through the revitalization of the zakat and Islamic charity practice. Low-priced, accessible and free medical assistance for poorer families and small economic enterprises provided by the zakat agencies reflect the endeavours of middle class Indonesian Muslims to translate Islamic discourse on social welfare in a more concrete way. The rise of Islamic charitable clinics, whose origins and motives can partly be linked to the Islamic discourse of the welfare of the ummah [the Islamic community], is without doubt a consequence of emerging interpretations of the meaning and function of Islamic aid in contemporary Indonesian Islam.

Hilman Latief, "Health provision for the poor: Islamic aid and the rise of charitable clinics in Indonesia," Vol 18, No 3 (September 2010), 503-553

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Post-Puritanisme Muhammadiyah: Studi Pergulatan Wacana Keagamaan Kaum Muda Muhammadiyah 1995-2002

Hilman Latief, “Post-Puritanisme Muhammadiyah: Studi Pergulatan Wacana Keagamaan Kaum Muda Muhammadiyah 1995-2002” (The Religious Discourse of Muhammadiyah’s Young Generation 1995-2002), Tanwîr, 1, No. 2, July 2003, pp. 43-102.

Hermeneutika Al-Qur'an, Madzhab Yogya

(Contributor) "Kritisisme Tekstual dan Relasi Interkontekstualitas dalam Interpretasi Teks al-Qur'an," dalam Syahiron Syamsuddin, Hermeneutika Al-Qur'an, Mazhab Yogya (Yogyakarta: Forstudia & Islamika, 2003), 83-102; artikel yang sama pernah dimuat dalam Media Inovasi, No. 2 TH. X / 2000. ISSN 0215-7160, 101-110.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Comparative Religion in Medieval Muslim Literature

Full article


This article investigates medieval Muslim literature on the study of non-Islamic religions through the writings of al-Biruni and al-Shahrastani in their dealing with Hind (India) and the nomenclature of world religions. I focus on their perceptions of monotheism and polytheism. My findings show that they used different approaches, categories, and classification models of world religious traditions in general, and of Hind’s religious traditions in particular. Al-Biruni classifies Indian religions according to the religious outlooks found in Hindu texts or sayings of Hindu philosophers/theologians and in the attitudes of ordinary people in a popular context. Al-Shahrastani categorizes the divisions and subdivisions of Hindu beliefs and practices according to types of “idol worshippers.” This article points out that they dealt with some conceptual issues in their presentations, such as “religious representation,” “intermediaries,” and “anthropomorphism.” 

Hilman Latief, “Comparative Religion in Medieval Muslim Literature,” American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Vol. 23, no. 4 (Fall 2006), pp. 28-62. Published by American Muslim Social Scientist.

Para Pembaharu: Pemikiran dan Gerakan Islam di Asia Tenggara

(Contributor) “Syafii Maarif dan Pengarusutamaan Islam Moderat di Indonesia” dalam Ahmad Suwaedy dan Raja Juli Antoni (eds.) Para Pembaharu: Pemikiran dan Gerakan Islam di Asia Tenggara (Jakarta and Bangkok: Seams for Freedom and Enlightenment & the Wahid Institute, 2009)

The Identity of Shi’a Sympathizers in Contemporary Indonesia: An Overview


This paper sheds some light on Indonesian Shi'a sympathizers, their particular relations among themselves as well as with others. Following the Iranian Revolution by the late 1970, Indonesian Muslims witnessed a remarkable religious enthusiasm marked by the proliferation of Shi'a literature. This, in turn, is followed by the establishment of Shi'a-based institutions, Islamic schools, publishers and associations over the regions. However, in a Sunni majority country like Indonesia, the identity of Shi'a sympathizer is contested by various religious inclinations among themselves as well as with Indonesian Sunnis. Due to strong suspicion from the Sunnis, the outward appearance of Indonesian Shi'i identity is not as visible as the Sunnis. It goes without saying that public discourse disappears. Some efforts to communicate with broader scope of Indonesian Muslims have been made by Shi'a sympathizers, especially among new generations, in order to strengthen their community as well as carry out a more open and productive dialog with the Sunnis.

Hilman Latief, “The Identity of Shi’a Sympathizers in Contemporary Indonesia: An Overview,” Journal of Indonesian Islam, Vol. 1 No. 3 (Dec 2008). Published by the State Institute of Islamic Studies, Sunan Ampel-Surabaya.

Kritik Teks Keagamaan, Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid

Menggali lembaran epistemologi sebuah tradisi agama melalui pendekatan ilmu-ilmu sosial dan humaniora modern tak selamanya mulus. Masalah sudut pandang dan interpretasi kembali menjadi titik pijak perdebatan intelektual yang kunjung belum usai, termasuk di Mesir. Setelah Thaha Husain, Amin al-Khulli, Muhammad Ahmad Khalafullah, mauun Ali Abdul Razik, harus berhadapan dengan sebuah wewenang yang menyebut dirinya sebagai penjaga kemurnian tradisi, maka Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid, tokoh yang dikaji dalam buku ini, pun ikut menuai badai.

Tradisi dan modernitas kembali dipertaruhkan. Pandangan-pandangan kritisnya dianggap telah menodai keluhuran sebuah tradisi agung yang tak perlu diungkit kembali. Kritik wacana penyebabnya. Uniknya, Nasr Abu Zaid, yang dalam komunitas di sekitarnya di tolak, termasuk di kalangan par aulama Mesir otoritatif, justru mendapatkan apresiasi yang tak kalah besar di luar kampung halamannya, termasuk di kalangan para mahasiswa. Kendati ia harus diseret ke pengadilan, dan diharuskan bercerai dengan istrinya, karena telah dianggap keluar dari Islam, namun gairah intelektual tak pernah menyurutkan dirinya untuk berkarya.

Buku ini mengajak anda untuk berdialog dengan Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid, melalui beberapa karyanya yang oleh para seterunya dianggap telah menyimpang dan bahkan pernah dilarang untuk diedarkan.

Hilman Latief, Kritik Teks Keagamaan, Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid (Yogyakarta: Elsaq Press, 2003)